Venango County Web Mapping Help      

The Venango County web mapping interface has been designed to provide you with a simple and intuitive web mapping experience that is modeled after popular consumer based web mapping applications. This includes a buttonless interface, seamless panning, scroll-wheel zooming and intuitive search and mark-up tools.


The Venango County Web Mapping Application page has four main parts:

  • Map: View the current map extent and interactive display for exploring the map.
  • Console: Allows the user to turn off and on layers in the map and access results from searches and queries.
  • Toolbar: Provides access to the advanced tools available in the application.
  • Status Bar:  Displays the scale on the map and a real-time display of map coordinates. s

Working with the Console

To switch between the Map Layers and Results, click on the tab with the name of the function you want to access. You can resize the console area by the divider between the Console and the Map. This allows more room to view either area as you work.

Navigating on the Map

You can use a mouse to perform nearly all navigation functions on the map:

Map action

Use this tool...

...and do this

Re-center the map

And view the

current extent

Left mouse
Left-mouse button

Click on the left mouse button and drag the map to the new location

Overview map

The red rectangle shows the current map extent.

Zoom in

Mouse wheel
Mouse wheel

Scroll the mouse wheel forward or up to zoom in. Each wheel click will zoom the map by about 50 percent in width and height.

Shift + Left mouse
Left-mouse button

Hold the Shift key down, then hold the left mouse button down and drag on the map to draw a rectangle. The map will zoom to the area of the rectangle.


Left-mouse button

Double-click on the mouse to zoom in by about 50 percent in width and height.

Zoom Bar

Drag pointer up or

click  symbol

Zoom out

Mouse wheel
Mouse wheel

Scroll the mouse wheel backward or down to zoom out. Each wheel click will zoom the map by about 50 percent in width and height.

Zoom Bar

Drag pointer down or

click  symbol

Identify features

Left mouse
Left mouse button

Single-click on the map feature you want to identify.

Go Back

an Extent

Click on the right keyboard arrow to go forward one map extent.

Go Forward

an Extent

Click on the left keyboard arrow to go back one map extent.

Working with Tools

Some tools, such as the Measure window and the Identify window, may be moved around the page. You can arrange these elements to suit your own work. To move tools, click and hold with the left mouse button on the title bar of the element. As you hover over the element's title bar, the cursor changes to a four-way arrow, indicating you can move it by clicking and dragging. To minimize the tool on the interface without closing it, click on the two arrows in the upper-right hand corner of the tool.

Drag the element to the position you want and release the mouse button. If you accidentally move an element outside the visible window, you may move it back by using the browser's scrollbars to scroll the window until the element is visible and drag it back to the main area of the window. Close a tool by clicking the close button it its upper right corner. All windows can be re-opened by click on the tool name in the toolbar.

You can continue to navigate on the map – zoom, pan, and change the extent of the map – while using any of the tools. This means that you can measure, markup, print, and user other tools and still change your current extent on the map.



Identify: The Identify tool can be used to view attributes about map features by clicking on the map or clicking the Buffer, Polygon or Point buttons in the Identify tool window and drawing a sketch on the map.  When using the Polygon tool, each click on the map will place a vertex (corner) and allow users to define the shape of the area. The following functionality is available in the Identify tool:

·         Users can pan and zoom on the map while they are using the identify tool.

·         The results of the identify query are displayed in the Results tab of the Console panel. They are organized by layer with a listing of the number of results returned. Click the layer name to expand the listing of individual features identified and to see a summary of information stored in the database about each feature. Hovering the cursor over the feature in the results list will cause feature to be highlighted on the map.

·         The sketch may be modified by adding, moving, and deleting vertices. Click on and drag a shaded vertex box to move it. Click a hollow vertex box to create and place a new vertex. To delete a vertex, place the pointer over a shaded vertex box and press the Esc key.

·         To delete the current sketch, users can start creating a new sketch, close the Measure tool window, or switch to a different tool.

Using Results: Once features have been identified on the map, you can investigate the results using the results tab on the Console. The layer name and number of returning records will be provided.

·         Click on the layer name to open the records.

·         Click on “more info…” to view detailed attributes for the record.

·         To view additional results, click on the arrows at the bottom of the results to show more results or to return more results per page.

·         To highlight records, check the highlight checkbox.

·         To zoom to records, click on the zoom button, displayed as a magnifying glass.

·         To export records, click on the Excel button in the top right portion of the panel.

·         To sort records by a field, choose a field from the Sort By drop-down list.


Measure: The measure tool can be used to measure user defined distances and areas in the map panel by clicking on the measure tool. The following functionality is available in the Measure tool. To measure linear distances, click on the map to start sketching a line. To measure an area, click on the Draw Shape button in the Measure tool window and start sketching.

·         Each click on the map will place a vertex and allow the user to change the line’s direction. Upon placement of the second vertex and with each subsequent vertex placed, the measurement value will be updated in the lower portion of the Measure tool window.

·         While creating the sketch, pressing the Delete key will delete the last vertex placed.

·         Double click to finish the sketch. The final sketch measurement totals will appear in the lower portion of the Measure tool window.

·         The sketch may be modified by adding, moving, and deleting vertices. Click on and drag a shaded vertex box to move it. Click a hollow vertex box to create and place a new vertex.

·         Perimeter and Area units can be changed dynamically by changing the units in the dropdown lists beside the measurement values.

·         To delete the current sketch, either start creating a new sketch, close the Measure tool window, or switch to a different tool.

·         Users can pan and zoom on the map while they are using the measure tools.

MarkUp: The Markup tool is used to create geographically referenced and/or feature-linked graphics and text which can be displayed on the map at varying scales. To use the tool, select from polygonal, linear, circular and text markup types. You can control markup outline / fill color and transparency, line width as well as modify graphics and text after it is created. By default, the application provides a name using the shape type chosen by the end user but you can rename the mark up and click on the Save button to save it in your current map session.

ZoomTo XY: The Zoom to Latitude / Longitude tool is used to jump to a specific map location based on a known set of map coordinates. Users will click on the Zoom to Latitude/Longitude tool and enter the coordinate values as Degrees, Minutes, Seconds in the appropriate boxes and indicate the hemispheres. Clicking the Go To button will re-center the map on that location

Export: The Export / Print tool generates a printable export of the current map. Click on the Export/Print button on the toolbar, choose the map format. Image formats will be provided as a simple image in a new browser pop-up window, that can then be exported by right-clicking on the Image and choosing the Save As… option. If you choose not to scale the image to fit to the current map window, the software will show an “Export Area” on the map.

Bookmarks: The Bookmark tool allows you to quickly zoom to specific locations on the map. Click on the named bookmark that you want to use and the map will zoom to that bookmark extent.

Available Maps:  Depending on your security access on the application, more than one map may be available to use. To access other maps on the application, choose a map service from the list of available maps. This will reset your map session so that any active tools will be reset as well, including map markups. The layers, bookmarks, and other content of the map may change significantly from one map to another.

More Information

System Requirements: The County web mapping application is designed to work with all modern web browsers but is optimized for Internet Explorer 6+ and Firefox 1.5+.

Troubleshooting: If you receive a message that the session has timed out from extended inactivity, then a new session must be started to use this application by closing this browser and reopening. The application will time out if you do not interact with it for some time (20 minutes by default). To continue, either close and reopen the browser at this application, or completely refresh the browser window. Pressing the Ctrl key while also pressing the F5 key will refresh most browsers. Or, click in the address bar and click Go or press Enter. This will reload the site. Any changes you had made and any unsaved edits, if applicable, will be lost.